
...a word from the author of: The: 3-6-9:

By: Roscoe: Man: not MYTH, [Jun 10, 2021 at 01:28]


With all thanks to The Most High Creator, as a Man who has been learning and standing in “Law Common to All” for over 50 years in the wilderness of unlawful statute-driven corporatocracy, masquerading as constitutionally-established society: i, find the recent surgence of interest in common law to be a most welcome one, and frankly better late than never…


since late 2020: i, have been developing the concept of the “Family Of Man Trust”  (an attempt to revisit the principles of The Original Undertaking of Trust in Genesis 1:26) – a “venue” where all Man (all genders) may come to shape, form, contribute and serve with love the common good of all, harming none, as mutual trustees in the upkeep of the welfare of one’s fellow Man and our home, this Earth;  but most importantly, to offer a place of shelter under the “law common to all and common to: i : man : alive : (whatever gender, age, race, creed…) “, from assault by the agencies of inferior statutory legislation, i.e. unlawful Government …


during this process: i, was approached by members of a Notice-writing group, for whom: i, had previously accepted to act in a consultant role, with an update on their latest progress and output;  while: i, had been following their progress periodically since late 2020, and offering insight where it was sought,: i, was jolted by this latest update to an alarming realisation upon review of the material presented, that these good and well-meaning people simply hadn’t the skills or experience necessary, nor time left to acquire them, to meet the over-whelming learning curve facing them, if they are to write Notices (of Liability or otherwise) which do not undermine themselves; this realisation was made all the more desperate with the awareness of the looming deadlines of impending harmful experimental “vaccines” and untested-for-safety 5G installations; 


driven by the desperate sense of urgency for a “fire-break” against the raging brushfire of experimental and evidently harmful medical interventions or experimental “vaccines”, 5G installations et cetera: i, set about cracking the nut of devising an “all-encompassing” notice template which anyone could use, regardless of their experience, and have immersed myself to focus upon composing my response to the situation – a “counter-spell” to the current constitutional crisis, bound with the energy of a lifetime’s experience deflecting the unlawful, but “legal”, excesses of “Caesar’s” hordes (remember: everything the Nazis did was “legal”, but not “lawful”, as the Nuremberg Trials established)…


“The: 3-6-9” is constructed in such a way that it allows a complete novice to generate a meaningful Notice, invested with the full power of their own sense of righteous indignation at the injustice being directed at them, and which is constructed in such a way that it overcomes the obvious hurdles of Notice-writing …


:The:3-6-9: draws upon just about every insight and lesson The Creator has seen fit to put across my path for nearly 50 years of standing in True Law, Law of Divine Source, Common to All (as distinct from that inferior branch of “common law” commandeered by man): now at least, the endless stream of seemingly pointless challenges over the years begin to make sense…

“The: 3-6-9:” if vested with the proper spirit of righteous intent of the sender, driven by the “Catalogue: Evidence” of the harm done by the “Wrongdoer”, has the potential to temporarily halt officialdom’s assault upon the sovereignty of the sender; hopefully long enough for people to get behind the movement to reestablish constitutionally-protected freedoms, and restore the sovereignty of the realm, before it disappears altogether…


While this is indeed ambitious, if :i, have learned one thing in all my experiences facing unlawfulness in government, it is that the sheer, awesome power of Love for All and for The Most High, cannot be over-estimated, nor can it be overcome: it is the one true-Armour that may deflect any “blade”; and Truth spoken from a place of Love, is the Sword which need never draw blood


Put on the Armour; take up the Sword…


But, above all


Take heart, and take a stand in The True Law, common to all, for it is …

… Love …



coming soon

coming soon

coming soon