The: 3-6-9: Trinity Notice
the latest PDF of “The: 3-6-9: User Manual” – right click the button to download
if you have any questions, why not think about joining the Family of Man (Trust) Forum, a new initiative and open-forum on how to put the heart back into the society of Man, where every Man may once again learn the joy of sharing their energy and wisdom, freely, for the good of all, harming none; as we all learn again to become our own, and one another’s: “healer”, “teacher”, “truth-seeker”, “preacher”, “gardener”, “lawyer”, “family”, “keeper” – all according to the conscience of the communities we form; common law; “law common to all”
in addition to an exchange of peace, love, wisdom and creative energy, you will receive:
- free membership
- free video guidance on The: 3-6-9
- free access to editable templates for The: 3-6-9: Notices, in PDF, Word, and Pages formats
- free access to “:Cassettes: Evidence:” once they become available
- free exchange of ideas and energy
- free education on a multitude of topics, including common law, the arts, self-sufficiency, or start your own topic…
- free access to the main forum discussion groups
- freedom to start your own discussions
- freedom to form your own organisations
- free support from the community
- freedom to manifest anything within the charter: in peace, in love, in service to all, harming none…